Salvatore Ferragamo S/S 14 Ad Campaign: Daria Werbowy & Sean O`Pry by Mert & Marcus
The warm afternoon light passes through solids of intense colours, immediately revealing the
Californian setting.
Distinct and undeniable shadows multiply on structures reminiscent of the work
of Mexican architect Miguel Angel Aragonés.
They produce intangible geometries that amplify the scene creating a sense of dynamism and
This sensual yet rigorous set features Daria Werbowy and Sean O’Pry, shot au naturel by Mert & Marcus.
The photos capture gestures and movements - as if in pause mode - but not freeze-frame. There is an
intense but relaxed energy to the pictures: the mellow colours and athletic physicality communicate
vitality, warming the clean lines of the clothes and the laudable precision of the accessories.
The dialogue between geometries and sensuality creates subtle short circuits, suggesting seductive scenarios against the light.
Amazing photos. I love how the light clothing is contrasted by the intense background-colours. You can almost feel the summer-heat when looking at the pictures. Mert & Marcus stayed true to their style of dense atmosphere & brilliant colours here - beautiful!
Love the Ferragamo pics. They're always a good classic staple piece. =)